Dimanche 19 janvier 2025
samedi 9 mars 2013

Revue de presse hebdo, 9 mars

Revue de presse hebdo, 9 mars Eric Gaba (User:Sting), July 2005


Atheists face extensive discrimination. Humanist group raises concerns amid new efforts by Muslim countries in UN to ban denigration of religion. Atheists, humanists and freethinkers face widespread discrimination around the world, with expression of their views criminalised and even subject to capital punishment, the United Nations has been told (The Guardian)


‘Met haar gebeden was Moeder Teresa gul, met haar geld gierig' — Canadese onderzoekers halen Moeder Teresa van haar sokkel (De Standaard)

Une étude de chercheurs québécois écorne gravement la légende de la religieuse albanaise décédée en 1997 et béatifiée en 2003. Néanmoins, les accusations manquent singulièrement de preuves — Mère Térésa : le mythe crucifié d'une sainte ? (Michel Alberganti, Slate.fr)

Les cardinaux ont voulu se donner le temps de mûrir le choix de la personnalité à qui ils confieront la charge suprême — Le conclave débutera le mardi 12 mars (Frédéric Mounier, La Croix)


Le défunt chef d'Etat Hugo Chavez était chrétien. Le 15 janvier 2010, il avait déclaré publiquement, lors de son intervention annuelle devant le parlement du Venezuela : « Pour la première fois, je revendique le marxisme et le christianisme ». Il avait précisé : « Le marxisme est la théorie la plus avancée dans l'interprétation scientifique de l'histoire, de la réalité, et c'est sans aucun doute le projet qui s'est le plus approché du monde dont le Christ est venu annoncer l'avènement ici sur Terre » — Hommage très catholique à Hugo Chavez (Fait Religieux)


Bishops Oppose Violence Against Women Act Because Of LGBT Provisions. The Violence Against Women Act, to be signed into law by President Obama on Thursday (March 7), is intended to protect women from domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking, and allows the federal government to spend money to treat victims and prosecute offenders. But for the first time since the original act became law in 1994, it spells out that no person may be excluded from the law's protections because of "sexual orientation" or "gender identity" -- specifically covering lesbian, transgender and bisexual women. That language disturbs several bishops who head key committees within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Lauren Markoe, Huffington Post)

New Pope Survey Finds U.S. Catholics Think Church Is Out Of Touch, Must Change Course. A recent Quinnipiac University survey indicates that a slim majority of American Catholics say their church is moving in the right direction yet out of touch with its members. Majorities of Catholic Americans believe the church needs to change its stance on several controversial issues, including its ban on contraception (64 percent), marriage among priests (62 percent) and the ordination of women (62 percent), the survey found (Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post)


ls viennent de Bruxelles, Anvers, Malines et d’autres villes belges. Ils seraient une septantaine à se battre aux côtés des rebelles en Syrie — Nos villes, terreau de l’islam radical (Christophe Lamfalussy, La Libre Belgique)


The Ethnic Cleansing Of Judaism in Medieval and Renaissance Art. The New York Times recently reviewed an impressive new exhibit at the Frick Collection in New York City of the paintings of 15th century artist Piero della Francesco. What is not mentioned  however -- and is never mentioned in art criticism -- is that della Francesco's paintings, typical of other Medieval and Renaissance artworks, are distortions and misrepresentations of biblical history. They fail to convey accurately who Jesus, his family, and community were: dedicated, orthodox practicing Jews (Bernard Starr, Huffington Post)

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