Dimanche 19 janvier 2025
samedi 13 avril 2013

Revue de presse hebdo, 13 avril


Women Praying At Western Wall Arrested In Jerusalem. Israeli police on Thursday detained five women at a Jerusalem holy site for performing religious rituals that ultra-Orthodox Jews say are reserved for men. The detentions came just a day after an Israeli organization proposed a compromise to diffuse tensions over the issue of women's worship at the Western Wall. The proposal envisions establishing a new section at the site where men and women can pray together. On Wednesday, Natan Sharansky, chairman of the semi-governmental Jewish Agency, offered a compromise that could mark a significant victory for liberal streams of Judaism in their long quest for recognition (Aron Heller, Associated Press/Huffington Post)


A 42 ans, l’archevêque chaldéen d’Erbil, Kurdistan irakien, est à la tête d’une des principales communautés chrétiennes en Irak — Mgr Bashar Warda : « La liberté de conscience n’est pas garantie » (La Vie)


L'association laïque Asociatia Umanista Romana (AUR) rapporte qu'une proposition de réforme du financement des cultes vire au pugilat en Roumanie — Roumanie : une réforme du financement des cultes déchaîne les passions (Fait Religieux)


Rise Of Hispanic Evangelical Church: Time Magazine Discusses Influence Of Latinos In America’s Religion. Hispanics are on the rise, and growing with them is the evangelical church’s influence all over the United States. Time magazine’s new issue “The Latino Reformation: Inside the New Hispanic Churches Transforming Religion in America” discusses this trend’s implications on American religious traditions, as well as its political reach capability. According to Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life while “more than two-thirds of the 52 million-plus Latinos in the U.S. are Catholic, that number could be cut in half by 2030.” NHCLC also establishes that 35 percent of Hispanics in America now call themselves “born-again” (Huffington Post)

In the pews of the First Baptist Church of Orlando, where thousands of evangelical Christians gather on Sundays to worship and sing, a change of heart is happening on the once toxic issue of immigration — As Evangelical Leaders Change Views on Immigration, Congregations Follow (Julia Preston, The New York Times)


Sous pression après avoir reconnu des plagiats dans ses publications et un mensonge sur son agrégation de philosophie, Gilles Bernheim a quitté ses fonctions. Sa succession s’annonce compliquée — Succession difficile (Le JSL)


Le Vatican a annoncé samedi 13 avril la formation par le pape François d’un groupe de huit cardinaux pour « le conseiller dans le gouvernement de l’Église » et étudier un projet de réforme de la constitution sur la Curie romaine — Le pape lance la réforme de la Curie (Sébastien Maillard, La Croix)


Judas Gospel Authentication Relied On Ink Of Ancient Egyptian Documents, Scientists Say. A long-lost gospel that casts Judas as a co-conspirator of Jesus, rather than a betrayer, was ruled most likely authentic in 2006. Now, scientists reveal they couldn't have made the call without a series of far more mundane documents, including Ancient Egyptian marriage licenses and property contracts. The Gospel of Judas is a fragmented Coptic (Egyptian)-language text that portrays Judas in a far more sympathetic light than did the gospels that made it into the Bible. In this version of the story, Judas turns Jesus over to the authorities for execution upon Jesus' request, as part of a plan to release his spirit from his body (Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience/Huffington Post)


Fenggang Yang, Religion in China. Survival & Revival under Communist Rule, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, XVII, 245 p.

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